Basic Linux OS Functions | iON Direct Assessment | Course ID 41466 | Question and Answers 2024
Course name : Basic Linux OS Functions Assessment | Latest Question and Answers 2024|
1 Which command cannot normally be executed by a
non-root user when compiling an application?
Answer: make install
2 How to get a summary of what the who command does?
Answer: whatis who.
3 What will the following command do? User add -m mary
Answer: Create a new user by the name of mary and
create her home directory.
4 Which of the following are executed ONLY during
a Login session
Answer: ~/.bash_profile
5 What does the paste command do by default?
Answer: Combines two or more files side by side.
Course name : Basic Linux OS Functions Assessment | Latest Question and Answers 2024|
6 In which directory is the kernel stored?
Answer: /boot
7 Which of the commands will show only the middle
10 lines of a 30 line text file named text file?
Answer: head -n 20 textfile | tail
8 What is the command to copy 4 lines from current
cursor position in vi editor d 4 cp
Answer: 4yy
9 Which command will output the exit status of the
previous command (a 1 or a 0)?
Answer: echo $1
10 There is directory of 100 memos and you want to
find the ones addressed to your boss. How would you do that?
Answer: grep -i ‘Boss Name’ *
Course name : Basic Linux OS Functions Assessment | Latest Question and Answers 2024|
11 You need to change the word losses to profits in your
sales report and print it out. What would be the quickest
way to do this?
Answer: cat sales | sed s/losses/profits/gp | lpr
12 What command with switches will display the disk
utilization for all mounted file systems?
Answer: df
13 How to find the list of previously entered commands ?
Answer: history
14 You have three files called letter1, letter2, and letter3,
which are all letters. How can you quickly determine which one
is addressed to your boss?
Answer: nl letter?
15 You are sending the sales file to a co-worker to proofread.
Before sending it, however, you want to save it to a file called
new sales with each line numbered. What should you do?
Answer: nl sales > newsales
16 How to find all the man pages that discuss compression?
Answer: man -k compression
Course name : Basic Linux OS Functions Assessment | Latest Question and Answers 2024|
17 Which of the following can be used to change a user’s home directory?
Answer: usermod-d
18 You want to use cpio to create an archive of the users’ home
directories. Which of the following commands is correct?
Answer: find /home | cpio -o > homebackup.cpio
19 What option used with the useradd command to make user account
expire in 10 days allow you to do this?
Answer: grep -i ‘Boss Name’ *
20 You want to change the name of Mary’s account to mjones.
Which of the following commands will accomplish this?
Answer: usermod -I mjones
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Course name : Basic Linux OS Functions Assessment | Latest Question and Answers 2024|